Monday 24 November 2008

Target Demographic and Survey with Analysis

Target Demographic

The target demographic in the case of my film will most probably be teenagers. My film is going to be funny but understandable from a students point of view. I am going to conduct a survey to establish what teenagers agree with and what I can do to aid in making the film more enjoyable.
Below is a questionnaire that I will be asking 20 random pupils at Victoria College.


What is your favourite type of genre?

Action: 5
Adventure: 3
Crime/Gangster Films: 9
Comedy: 3

Do you think that using the correct dialogue in a movie can influence and project if the film is successful or not?

Yes: 18
No: 2

Do you think comedy in a film is vital?

Yes: 10
No: 10

Do you like watching films that are aimed at your age group (e.g skins, the o.c)?

Yes: 17
No: 3

Do you think backgrounds in a film are crucial in setting the scene?

Yes: 5
Depends on what film it is: 8

If you are watching a film which has famous actors in it, does this give you more of an incentive to keep watching it?

Yes: 12
No: 8


From these results I can establish what my film should and should'nt consist of.
I have decided that using the correct dialogue would make my film more successful also I am going to orientate my film around teenagers as this age group enjoy watching films that relate to there lives. I am also going to include some comedy as I believe that it make the film more interesting even though the survey disagrees. Also I am going to use actors that are famous in the school so the audience can relate to them more easily. Unfortunately I havent got the time or facilities to make my production into a crime or gangster film. If i would of had more time I could have attempted it but it is very easy to make a gangster film look tacky and amateur. This means Im going to stick to a normal comedy where you can't go wrong.

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