Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Research into existing similar media texts

The Terminator

There are two examples that I am going to study. The first one is a clip taken from Terminator. This scene is situated at a police. The terminator approaches the police station, opens the door, walks through the station then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue before saying "I'll be back" and then leaving. This clip is a good example as it shows match on action well as the Terminator opens the door also it has good use of shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule.

The Matrix

The second film that I researched was the Matrix. The clip starts of with Neo and Trinity walking up a flight of stairs reaching the top and then exchanging a few lines of dialogue before entering the room. There is good use of match on action as they enter the room. Upon crossing the room Morpheus exchanges a few lines with Neo which is shot using shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree also applies in this clip. Both of these examples have been neccessary to show me what a successful clip looks like. I will probably use this structure In the film I will be making.

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