Friday 28 November 2008

Tuesday 25 November 2008

The Actual production can be found on I Mac 8


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I believe that my Media product challenges that of a real media product very well. I believe that I correctly used the right type of camera shot throughout the production and I feel that by conducting a survey previously assured me that I was also using the right content as well. I also believe that by conducting research before filming my product gave me enough examples of codes and conventions that I could effectively use in my Production. (E.g The Matrix and The Terminator)

• How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I think that my media product only really represents two social groups. Firstly I believe that it represents Students. This is probably because I have aimed my production at students and I believe that the content of the production also represents Students as it's a sort of thing that I student may encounter during there school life. The second social group is teachers, I have represented teachers as being the parent type figure in this production. Teachers are usually stereotyped as being strict, serious and always on your back so in my production I have carried out these stereotypes so the audience can immediately catch on that its a teacher not a student.

• What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The only sort of media institution that I can really think of distributing my product would may be an education department. This is solely because the dialogued used in my production portrays why students shouldnt miss lessons otherwise they will get in trouble. Also the production involves comedy which I think will be relevant as If students were actually watching it then they may see it as being interesting. If education departments involved more passive comedy sketches to show students how not to act then may be they would pay more attention.

• Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience of my media production would be students and teachers mainly but could also be parents. ( See More Above )
I addressed the film immediately within a school which straight away gave the impression of students and teachers. Also by using a classroom this also portrayed the idea of a student to teacher conversation and also blocked off any other human contact which immediately focussed the audience to the two actors shown and nobody else.

• What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt a lot about the technologies that I have used within this project. Firstly I have accustomed myself with I Movie and have found this application very appealing when trying to edit and arrange clips to make a film. I movie also offers you the chance to use groovy extras which I didnt no existed and makes editing films a lot easier. Also I thought generally that filming a production was a lot easier than I looked but it was only when I started carrying out it myself did I realise how precise it has to be in order for it to have a good result.

My Film

I have decided to keep my film very simple and use the facilities that are available to me.
My film will shot within a school and the emphasis that it will be trying to put across will to not be late for lessons. I will be using two school pupils that are experienced in acting as i feel this is vital in the films success. The structure of the film is listed below:

Pupil : Walks through a school corridor
Pupil : Opens a classroom door (Match on action used)
Pupil : Walks to teachers desk whilst exchanging dialogue with the Teacher
Teacher: Has a conversation with Pupil (Shot reverse shot used and 180 degree rule)
Pupil : Go's to leave the classroom after conversation

Pupil will be played by Elliott Gaynor and the Teacher will be played by Andrew Mckenzie.

Research into existing similar media texts

The Terminator

There are two examples that I am going to study. The first one is a clip taken from Terminator. This scene is situated at a police. The terminator approaches the police station, opens the door, walks through the station then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue before saying "I'll be back" and then leaving. This clip is a good example as it shows match on action well as the Terminator opens the door also it has good use of shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule.

The Matrix

The second film that I researched was the Matrix. The clip starts of with Neo and Trinity walking up a flight of stairs reaching the top and then exchanging a few lines of dialogue before entering the room. There is good use of match on action as they enter the room. Upon crossing the room Morpheus exchanges a few lines with Neo which is shot using shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree also applies in this clip. Both of these examples have been neccessary to show me what a successful clip looks like. I will probably use this structure In the film I will be making.

Monday 24 November 2008

Target Demographic and Survey with Analysis

Target Demographic

The target demographic in the case of my film will most probably be teenagers. My film is going to be funny but understandable from a students point of view. I am going to conduct a survey to establish what teenagers agree with and what I can do to aid in making the film more enjoyable.
Below is a questionnaire that I will be asking 20 random pupils at Victoria College.


What is your favourite type of genre?

Action: 5
Adventure: 3
Crime/Gangster Films: 9
Comedy: 3

Do you think that using the correct dialogue in a movie can influence and project if the film is successful or not?

Yes: 18
No: 2

Do you think comedy in a film is vital?

Yes: 10
No: 10

Do you like watching films that are aimed at your age group (e.g skins, the o.c)?

Yes: 17
No: 3

Do you think backgrounds in a film are crucial in setting the scene?

Yes: 5
Depends on what film it is: 8

If you are watching a film which has famous actors in it, does this give you more of an incentive to keep watching it?

Yes: 12
No: 8


From these results I can establish what my film should and should'nt consist of.
I have decided that using the correct dialogue would make my film more successful also I am going to orientate my film around teenagers as this age group enjoy watching films that relate to there lives. I am also going to include some comedy as I believe that it make the film more interesting even though the survey disagrees. Also I am going to use actors that are famous in the school so the audience can relate to them more easily. Unfortunately I havent got the time or facilities to make my production into a crime or gangster film. If i would of had more time I could have attempted it but it is very easy to make a gangster film look tacky and amateur. This means Im going to stick to a normal comedy where you can't go wrong.

Monday 17 November 2008

Example of what I will be attempting to achieve

A good example of what I am trying to accompish is on the O.C. Ryan is annoyed at his brother when he founds out that he tried hitting on his ex girlfriend. Ryan goes round Trey's house (his brother) and tries to beat him up. The scene ends with his ex girlfriend Marrisa shooting Trey. This is a good example as it shows the 180 degree rule and the shot/reverse shot whilst covering the aspects that I would like to include in my film.

Sunday 16 November 2008

Planning and target audience

In this project i have to construct a film of a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue.
This film project doesnt necceserily have to have a particular audience like the web and magazine projects we have done previously. My target audience will be students and teachers and i will be aiming this short film to cover all the neccesary filming techniques and follow the codes and conventions of films and filming. The film may use humour in it as this should aid in making it more interesting and of course funny.
I will be using the facilites and resources provided to me by the Victoria College Media Department and Library. In the media department i will be using the computers for researching and editing of my film and the library also for research and the borrowing of video cameras.

How to do it!

180 degree rule

something else i found interesting...

The rule of Thirds...

Film Guidelines

180 Degree Rule

The 180° rule is a basic film editing guideline that states that two characters (or other elements) in the same scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each other. If the camera passes over the imaginary axis connecting the two subjects, it is called crossing the line. The new shot, from the opposite side, is known as a reverse angle.

Match on Action

A match on action, a technique used in film editing, is a cut that connects two different views of the same action at the same moment in the movement. By carefully matching the movement across the two shots, filmmakers make it seem that the motion continues uninterrupted. For a real match on action, the action should begin in the first shot and end in the second shot.

Shot reverse shot

Shot reverse shot is a film technique wherein one character is shown looking (often off-screen) at another character, and then the other character is shown looking "back" at the first character. Since the characters are shown facing in opposite directions, the viewer subconsciously assumes that they are looking at each other (the 180 degree rule). However, shot reverse shot is also often combined with creative geography to create the sense that two characters are facing each other, when in fact they are being filmed in completely different locations or at completely different times.

Friday 14 November 2008